More Septic Systems FAQs
Here are some more of the septic systems questions Gene’s Water and Sewer gets: How does a septic system work? The system contains a holding tank where natural bacterial action disintegrates human waste into environmentally acceptable components. Do I have to use a certain kind of toilet paper? No. Most toilet papers break down quickly and easily. Tissues, however, don’t easily break down and shouldn’t be flushed into the toilet. How do I know if my system needs repaired? Your septic system will give off clues, like muddy soil or pools of wastewater around the tanks; or sewage smells around the tank or inside the house. Contact a septic system contractor right away. Do I really need to take care of my system? You should if you don’t want smells or to spend a lot of money. Pumping your system costs on average $150 to $200. A new system can cost up to $40,000. How do I find out my tank’s capacity? Check with your local Environmental Health Office to see if they have your system’...