Benefits of Sewer Lining
For those who take a lot of pride in their landscape, and are proud of the hard work they've put into it, it can be someone troubling when a sewer-related problem creeps up. Back before trenchless sewer lining repair technology became more widespread, a sewer repair project meant completely digging up all of the pipes under the ground. This also meant destroying whatever was on the surface. Luckily, the process of sewer lining is around to save a lot of homeowners from major headaches. Instead of having to dig up and replace entire pipes, sewer lining requires one hole to be dug, and uses technology that can line an existing pipe that is damaged. This essentially creates a pipe within the damaged pipe, and can not only save your yard from being completely dug up, but can also save you major costs since you won't have to replace large pipes and have more man hours spent on your project. If you have a sewer pipe problem, you can call Gene's Water and Sewer for Minneapolis...