Sewer Repair Material Options
Sewer repair is not something one wants to deal with under the best if circumstances. It is messy, can take a day or two to deal with and expensive. However, it can be a necessary evil for property owners. In years past, the types of material used for sewer/plumbing were somewhat limited, but today there is a variety of choices available when installing new or making sewer repairs. Each of them have their own pros and cons, so if dealing with sewer repair is something you are facing, or perhaps hoping to avoid, then being aware of your options, is important. Here is a list of the more common sewer repair or installation choices. Cast Iron – As one of the oldest materials used in sewer lines and plumbing, cast iron is still used from time to time but it is more commonly found in many historic buildings and older construction. Copper – This is still considered the standard in sewer repair and installation as it is a softer material, making it easier to manipulate; it is non-toxic fo...