Spring Tips for Your Sewer: Repairs, Cleaning & Replacement
Warm weather is here and the fun filled days of summer are on their way. With approaching picnics, barbeques and afternoons entertaining guests, it can be especially important to check your sewer and ensure that it’s running as it should. If you experience a downed sewer system this summer, not only can it cause sewage to back up in your yard, it can also be grounds for a nasty, extensive clean up that can really ruin a picnic. But, there are ways to avoid this! If you find yourself in need of a sewer replacement at your Twin Cities home, you’ve got some options to help save your summer. At Gene’s Water & Sewer, we have had our share of experience in sewer replacement and would like to share some tips for you to consider. Only flush what you’re supposed to. Watching what you flush is a key player in keeping your sewer system up and running as it should. Be sensible with your flushes and do not flush anything down your toilets beside toilet paper and human waste...