Septic Systems: 5 Tips for Taking Care of Your Septic Tank
Many residents of rural areas don’t have connected water and sewer systems, but wells and septic systems. These systems aren't difficult to take care of, thanks to upgrades present in modern technologies. By following a few easy steps, you can ensure your septic system operates properly for years to come.
Watch rainwater
A soggy and wet septic drainfield won’t properly handle liquid waste, leaving it unabsorbed and not neutralized. You’ll need to plan things like landscaping, gutters and drains to divert away water from the drainfield.
Don’t overload
One of the biggest reasons for septic system repairs is an overloaded system. Make sure your system and drainfield aren’t overloaded by checking regularly for leaks from toilets and faucets, and making necessary repairs. Aerators and flow-reduction nozzles on faucets and showers will help lower water consumption, as will reduce water levels for small laundry loads.
Keep trees away
Another reason to call for repairs is root damage from trees. Keeping trees at least 100 feet away from your septic system will discourage these costly damages. Willow and other similar trees have very aggressive roots, so they should be kept even farther from the system and drainfield.
Be careful of what you dispose
Your toilet is not a garbage disposal. You shouldn’t flush (even if you are connected to a municipal sewer system) cat litter, diapers, sanitary items, coffee grounds, cigarette butts and other items, as they can quickly clog your tank. Do not overuse heavy cleaners, as they will kill beneficial bacterium that break down solids. Grease can also clog the drainfield, and make it impossible for the soil to absorb liquids. When that happens, you’ll need a new drainfield. Hazardous chemicals like varnish, gasoline and oils can ruin your system and are a hazard to groundwater sources.
Maintain regularly
If you want your system to work properly, the solids will eventually have to be pumped. The rule of thumb for a family of four with a 1,000-gallon tank is to have it pumped every three to five years. And while you might think it easy to take care of it yourself, never open a septic tank as it contains harmful materials and gases. Always have a professional handle the job.
Having issues with your Minnesota septic system? Contact Gene’s Water and Sewer today by visiting
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