How to Reduce Your Sewer & Water Bill
All over the country, municipalities have or are considering
increasing their water and sewer rates. In
Allentown, Pa., the mayor has proposed a 5-percent increase, while customers in the North Escambia,
Fla. area have been hit with an additional 7 percent in costs and the Sheridan, Ore. city council
raised rates 2.5 and 1.5 percent, respectively for water and sewer rates.
Why the increase? According to the News of Yamhill County, Sheridan raised rates
because of “rising costs for energy, operations and maintenance of the town’s
water system.” And this problem is having an impact on more and more
localities, and as such, many will opt for raising rates.
Luckily, there are things homeowners can do to decrease their water and sewer costs. Many overlook these two utilities when trying to
figure out how to save on their bills. Some methods have an immediate effect,
while others save in the long term. So, how can you decrease your water and
sewer rates? We at Gene’s Water & Sewer, a Minneapolis sewer and water line
repair company, offer the following tips:
- Check all faucets to make sure they do not leak or drip. Faucets can waste more than 3,100 gallons of water per year. These fixes can be done in an expensive manner.
- See if the toilet is leaking. This process is very easy; all one has to do is put into the tank some food coloring, and flush after 15 to 20 minutes. If you see any coloring in the bowl, you’ll know you have a leak.
- A leaky showerhead can increase your bill. Switch to a low-flow showerhead of your choice.
- The best and most effective choice is to just lower how much water you use. Take shorter showers and turn down your water heater.
Follow these tips and monitor your bill. If you see costs
increasing, then give us a buzz at 612.781.3737 and we’ll see if the problem is
more involved.
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